Coast Life Magazine


“The Mudgirls is a collective of natural builders from the West Coast of B.C., specializing in building with local, natural and recycled materials…”

“Within the Mudgirls philosophy we believe in empowering people to learn basic skills to take care of ourselves while taking care of the earth and building.”

“When we build with recycled and earthen materials, we bypass a lot of the waste stream of the conventional building sector, making a bit smaller of an ecological footprint…we are using a ton of site soil and all the clay that came from the build site, back into the building so that’s a really closed loop.”

“This 580-square-foot studio with loft was designed by Amanda-Rae and her husband Chris Hergesheimer with help from their friend Steve Christian at Second Nature Designs and engineered by Mark Fleischhaker”

Location: Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada
Date: Spring 2019
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